Walking Boots for Women

28 results

Women's walking boots

Women who love walking, hiking, climbing and everything in between, you've come to the right place for your shoes and boots. The UK is one of the best places to walk in the world with our lush green hills, mountains and fields. Whether you're up for exploring the seven miles of golden beach on the south coast, walking the Purbecks, or looking forward to your first trip up Scafell Pike, you can't ignore the amazing scenary on offer here. This is why it's massively important to make sure you can enjoy it all safely.

Walking boots for women are ergonomically designed to fit and support the distinct shape of the female foot. There's no value in buying a standard pair of walking boots if they don't compliment your feet. Whether you're walking a light trail in the summer rain or climbing a mountain in the cold, you need the right shoe to support your activity and we have everything here that you could need.


Do you need women's walking shoes or hiking boots?


Good question! Sometimes it can be difficult to gauge what to buy if you have a big walk or hike coming up. The rule of thumb is that you'll usually need walking shoes or walking trainers if you want to be light of foot and the walk isn't too rocky. You'll need walking boots for a mountainous walk or any hike through tougher terrain, especially if the weather looks set to be very cold or wet.

Give our friendly customer services team a call on 01858 468546 if we can help you decide which shoes or boots to purchase.

Walking shoes and brands at Deichmann

The only issue you'll find when shopping for hiking boots or walking shoes at Deichmann is the sheer variety on offer. If you want something waterproof, proud and super study, these Landrover Waterproof Walking Boots are just the ticket and they're also extremely comfortable.

One pair for the more casual/light walk would be these lovely Graceland Elastic Lace Casual Trainers. They're bright, cheerful and will see you through most lightweight walks and hikes.

Buy now from Deichmann.